Release Day for Hope Beyond the Waves!

by | Jun 28, 2022 | Heidi's Updates


When I turned forty last year, I asked myself what book I would release if I could put out only one more novel in my lifetime. (Lord willing, there will be many more!)

As I conducted my soul-searching, the answer came to me quite clearly. It was a book I began more than ten years ago, a story that has never left my heart. A story about loving the unlovable and forgiving the unforgivable.

Hope Beyond the Waves. (Title courtesy of my newsletter community!)

This past year saw it through some major changes, intensive edits, and more than a few tears. But I can honestly say this is the best it can possibly be. I’ve put every bit of effort, tons of prayers, and any talent my Creator has bestowed upon me into this book.

And now it’s in your hands, and I’m so pleased to present it to you. I hope you enjoy it. I hope the characters and the story touch your heart as they have mine. 

Thank you for your support and encouragement. Thank you for reading. Thank you for being an integral part of this amazing journey.

(Click here to read a sample chapter of Hope Beyond the Waves!)

(If you’d like to learn more about the research behind this story and Penikese Island, Massachusetts, visit here.)

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