“I think most kids who came out here probably felt a connection when they heard the story of the leper colony because they were sent here against their will . . . you still felt like an outcast. So I always felt a deep connection with the history of them, especially the leper colony.”
It was such an honor to speak with Shawn Campbell, a 1999 student at the Penikese Island School and a current caretaker of the island. As most of you know, Hope Beyond the Waves dives deeply into the history of the island, primarily the leper colony that resided on Penikese in the early twentieth century. But the modern-day story has a connection with the Penikese Island School—a school Shawn attended back in 1999.
It was wonderful to hear some of Shawn’s story. Check out his YouTube channel for some great videos of the island! (And look at this lovely picture he sent me, taken from the island!)
Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0ZsNiBMbiE
Shawn’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@PenikeseKidd
Shawn’s Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/penikese_kidd/