What is the season of Epiphany?

Up until recently, the liturgical season of Epiphany meant little to me. One of my Catholic grandmothers refused to take her Christmas tree down until Epiphany, insisting that Christmas didn’t end until January 6th, when the wise men arrived to see Jesus.  I didn’t...

Thirsting for More

I’ve been spending a lot of time at Jacob’s Well with Jesus and the Samaritan woman. This was a challenging story to keep within my word count. My research led me to think and pray on so many different nuggets, so despite a looming deadline, I can’t move on...

The Way Back is Here!

I still remember the day my sister (then a teenager) told me that she’d jumped off one of the Newport cliffs on the Cliff Walk with a bunch of her friends—mostly older boys, mostly boys I had a crush on at one time or another!  I was mortified. What if she had hit a...

Of suffering and scars . . .

I have a scar on the bridge of my nose. I don’t recall getting it, but my parents tell me I banged my nose on a coffee table when I was two and had to get stitches at the hospital. I don’t ever remember a time not having the scar. In fact, if I looked in...

To Love One Another

I will always remember the day. The dress, the man, the long walk down the aisle, the church crowded with friends and family. With so much happening, it’s not surprising I couldn’t focus much on the sermon. I was standing with my high school sweetheart...

Joy to the World

As a child, I can remember a few distinct times I felt joy—a sort of elated happiness that bubbles up inside you (my completely inadequate definition).  The first time was in second or third grade, while singing Joy to the World beside my father on...

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