A Shift Inside the Walmart Smock

I pressed my lips together beneath the mask I wore and blinked back tears at the older gentleman’s hard, angry words coming from the other side of the Walmart pharmacy counter. They found my heart like pinpricks of metal darts finding their target. Frustration stirred...
Yodeling in the Immunization Booth

Yodeling in the Immunization Booth

“Can I help you, sir?” I asked the middle-aged man from behind the plexiglass of the drop-off window at Walmart Pharmacy last Saturday. He stepped forward, gesturing for the elderly woman behind him to follow. “Yes, we’re here to get my mother-in-law her flu shot.” I...

The Essentialness of Walmart and Story

You are essential…. Many of you know that when I’m not writing, I work part-time at Walmart Pharmacy. I started in the Lawn and Garden department four years ago. This was pre-writing contract, a way to bring in some money and get out of the house at night...

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